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How to practice self-care! Practicing self-care can help manage the stress of life and to live a balanced healthy life. Self-care should be a priority and intentional.
I wear many hats; mum, wife, student, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the things I have to do and all the people that need me and I have to take some alone time to rewind. There is no shame or guilt in having a me-time dedicated to doing whatever you want to do or to recharge. Self-care is very important, if you do not take care of yourself, it might be detrimental to your health and lead to stress or total burn out.
What is Self Care?
Self-care is the intentional care of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Self-care is taking out time to take care of yourself and attend to your needs. Practicing self-care is important to live a happy, stress-free life without anxiety or worry. In a world where everything moves fast and time is precious, it is essential to take time to slow down and recharge. Yes, we may worry about all the things we need to get done and the time available but I guarantee you practicing self-care ensures productivity and makes the time spent on self-care worth it.
Self-care is not being selfish and so not be confused with selfishness. It is taking out time to recharge and nourish one’s self. A burnt candle cannot light another candle. Running yourself to the ground will benefit no one and will lead to stress and cause worry to loved ones. Self-care is not optional if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life. Making time out for yourself might seem impossible or hard at first but the benefits of taking time to recharge and improve your overall health are huge.
Self care activities
Self-care activities are not a one size fit all. For someone that does not like to watch movies, watching movies will be strenuous instead of relaxing. I love to watch movies, and I never get tired of watching Disney classics and Marvel movies.
These activities are some for you to consider to meet your physical, mental, and overall health needs to live a balanced stress free life.
Get enough sleep: Studies have shown that an adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep to function at their best. Sleep is important and lack of sleep can affect your health.
Healthy Eating: Healthy eating habits is important to avoid diseases and illness. Healthy eating is eating nutritious food, drinking water, taking your vitamins while minimizing the consumption of sugary drinks and other junk food.
Listen to An Audiobook or read a book: Reading is not only increase knowledge but it is also good for mental stimulation and stress reduction. There are so many genres of books to choose from ;fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, Mystery.
Call a Friend: Calling a good friend is a good way to rewind and guaranteed to lift your spirits and smiles to your face. Calling a friend gives a feeling of connection and
Go for a Walk: Taking a walk down the street or park will help you destress. Taking walks lightens your mood and improves blood circulation in your body.
Try a new recipe or order a meal: Cook yourself a restaurant-worthy meal using a recipe or order a meal from your favorite restaurant.
Watch a Movie: Watch a movie or two or binge watch a TV show. Take the time you need to recharge so as to be more productive.
Eat Ice cream: Indulge in your favorite Ice cream, ice cream is good for your well being and soul. Ice cream stimulates the brain and gives a feeling of happiness.
Do a Tik Tok Challenge: Tik Tok challenges are here to stay, there are so many challenges and fun things to learn with this app. Do a challenge or watch some, it is relaxing and
Dance: Play some music and dance, silly dances are allowed. Dance boosts your mood and encourages circulation of blood around your body.
Have a Spa Day: Having a spa day is a good way to destress and slow down. Pampering your self has tremendous health benefits. You can have a spa day at home or book an appointment at a spa parlor.
Exercise: Exercises releases endorphins, the feel god chemicals. A good work out will improve your mood and your mental health.
Practicing self-care is different for each person and this list is not exhaustive. It is essential that you unplug to find your peace and cater to your personal needs in order to be the best version of yourself for the people around you. How do you practice self-care? Share some of the ways you do in the comments.
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